Tensile and Fatigue Properties of T700/QY8911 Stitched Composite Laminates
摘要: 对T700/QY8911缝合复合材料层合板进行了静载拉伸试验和拉-拉疲劳试验, 研究了不同缝合方向[0/90]4s和[0/45/90/-45]2s铺层层合板的拉伸和疲劳性能; 建立了T700/QY8911缝合复合材料层合板有限元模型并对其弹性模量进行了模拟。结果表明: 缝合能明显提高复合材料层合板抵抗分层破坏的能力; 缝合层合板在静拉伸载荷下呈线弹性材料的特点, 当载荷达到峰值时, 缝合层合板具有后续承载能力, 而未缝合层合板在峰值后承载能力出现连续下滑, 并发生最终破坏; 缝合层合板在拉-拉载荷下的疲劳刚度衰减曲线呈三阶段函数特征; 缝合层合板的纵向弹性模量的有限元计算结果与试验结果吻合较好, 证实了模型的有效性。Abstract: The static tensile test and tension-tension fatigue test of T700/QY8911 stitched composite laminate were conducted, and the tensile and fatigue property of ply [0/90]4s and [0/45/90/-45]2s composite laminates at different stitching orientations were studied. The finite element model of T700/QY8911 stitched composite laminate was established to simulate the elastic modulus. The results show that stitching can significantly improve anti-delamination property of the composite laminates, and the stitched composite laminates under static tensile load showed the characteristics of linear elastic material. The stitched composite laminate had subsequent carrying capacity when the peak load was reached, while the carrying capacity of non-stitched laminates consecutively declined until final destruction. The stiffness degradation curves of stitched composite laminates under the tension-tension fatigue load presented the characteristics of three stages function features. The finite element calculated results of the longitudinal elastic modulus of the stitched composite laminate agreed well with the experimental results, which confirmed the validity of the model.
- stitched composites /
- finite element model /
- tensile property /
- fatigue property
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