Effect of Temperature on Corrosion Behavior of T95 Steel in H2S/CO2 Environment
摘要: 利用自制高温高压釜模拟了油井筒中H2S/CO2环境, 在温度30~150 ℃、H2S/CO2气相和模拟地层水液相中对T95油管钢进行了腐蚀试验, 研究了温度对该钢腐蚀速率的影响, 并分析了腐蚀产物的形貌和物相组成。结果表明:当温度为30~120 ℃时, T95钢在气相和液相中的腐蚀速率均随温度的升高先增后降, 且均在90 ℃时达到峰值, 分别为0.882, 1.096 mm·a-1, 当温度高于120 ℃时, 液相中的腐蚀速率缓慢增大而气相中的缓慢减小; 随着温度的升高, 气相中的腐蚀产物逐渐由片状变成块状并堆积在一起, 液相中的则由絮状沉积变成团簇状堆积; 腐蚀产物由铁、硫、氧等元素组成, 腐蚀速率与腐蚀产物膜中硫含量成反比、与氧含量成正比, 硫铁化合物对腐蚀起到了阻碍作用。Abstract: The H2S/CO2 environment in the oil shaft was simulated by the home-made high temperature autoclave and the corrosion tests in gas phase of H2S/CO2 and liquid phase of simulated formation water at temperatures of 30-150 ℃ were conducted on the T95 oil tube steel. The effects of the temperature on the steel corrosion rate were studied and the morphology and composition of corrosion products were analyzed. The results show that at the temperatures of 30-120 ℃, the corrosion rate of T95 steel in gas phase and liquid phase both first increased then decreased with the increase of temperature and reached the peak values at 90 ℃ of 0.882, 1.096 mm·a-1 respectively. The corrosion rate increased in the liquid phase slowly while decreased in the gas phase at above 120 ℃. With the temperature increase, the corrosion product in the gas phase changed from flake shape to lump shape and accumulated, while in liquid phase from flocculent deposit to agglomerated accumulation. The corrosion product was composed of Fe, S, O, etc. The corrosion rate was proportional to S content and inversely proportional to O content in the corrosion product films and the iron-sulfur compounds played a corrosion inhibitation role.
- H2S/CO2 environment /
- T95 steel /
- temperature /
- corrosion rate /
- corrosion product film
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