Effects of Mineral Composition on Phase Formation Process of Anorthite-mullite Composite Materials
摘要: 采用不同矿物原料在不同煅烧温度(1 100~1 400 ℃)下原位合成制备了钙长石-莫来石复相材料,通过物相组成和显微结构分析研究了原料矿物组成对复相材料物相形成过程的影响。结果表明:采用石英(熔融石英或天然石英)、Ca(OH)2和α-Al2O3为原料时, 合成过程中首先生成硅灰石和钙黄长石, 之后硅灰石再与刚玉和石英反应生成钙长石, 莫来石则是在1 350 ℃由方石英和刚玉反应生成; 而以硅灰石或铝酸钙, 蓝晶石和苏州土天然铝硅系矿物为原料时, 部分钙长石相由原料直接反应生成, 莫来石通过二次莫来石化生成; 1 400 ℃煅烧后不同原料合成的钙长石-莫来石试样中均含有莫来石相、钙长石相和少量刚玉相, 尺寸较大的莫来石柱状晶体穿插在较细的钙长石晶粒之中。
- 钙长石-莫来石复相材料 /
- 物相组成 /
- 形成过程 /
- 显微结构
Abstract: The anorthite-mullite composite materials were in-situ synthesized by using different mineral materials at different sintering temperatures (1 100-1 400 ℃). The effects of mineral composition on the phase formation process of the composite materials were studied by the phase composition and microstructure analysis. The results show that with the quartz (fused quartz or quartz sand), Ca(OH)2 and α-Al2O3 as the raw materials, the wollastonite and gehlenites were firstly formed, and then the anorthites were produced by the reaction of wollastonite, corundum and quartz. The mullites were obtained by the reaction of corundum and cristobalite at 1 350 ℃. With the wollastonites or grossites, natural Al-Si minerals like kyanites and clays as raw materials, the anorthites were directly produced by the raw materials and mullites were obtained by the secondary mullitization. After sintered at 1 400 ℃, the anorthite-mullite samples prepared with different raw materials all consisted of mullite, anorthite and few corundum phases. The columnar mullite crystals with large sizes existed in the fine anorthite grains. -
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