Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg/Al Multilayered Composite Sheet by Electrically-Assisted Accumulative Roll Bonding
摘要: 采用电流密度约1×108 A·m-2的电流辅助累积叠轧工艺制备镁/铝层状复合板,研究了不同道次(1~3道次)轧制后的微观形貌和力学性能,揭示了电流辅助工艺对复合板界面结合性能和界面金属间化合物形成的影响。结果表明:电流辅助累积叠轧后,镁/铝界面结合良好,随着叠轧道次的增加,镁层出现越来越严重的颈缩现象;电流的引入抑制了界面金属间化合物的形成,镁/铝界面处元素呈现互扩散特征,形成了厚约3 μm的原子扩散层,且其厚度并未随叠轧道次的增加而明显增大;随着叠轧道次的增加,复合板的抗拉强度和硬度均先增后降,伸长率则持续下降;镁层在电流辅助累积叠轧过程中发生的颈缩断裂以及电流对镁层和铝层的加速再结晶作用,导致3道次叠轧后复合板力学性能的降低。Abstract: Mg/Al multilayered composite sheets were fabricated by electrically-assisted accumulative roll bonding with a current density of about 1×108 A·m-2. The microstructure and mechanical properties after roll bonding with different number of cylces (1-3 cycles) were studied, and the effect of the electrically-assisted process on the interfacial bonding of the composite sheet and the formation of interfacial intermetallic compounds were revealed. The results show that after the electrically-assisted accumulative roll bonding, the interface between Mg/Al layers was well bonded. With the increase of the roll bonding cycle, the necking of the Mg layer became more and more severe. The introduction of current suppressed the formation of interfacial intermetallic compounds. The elements at the Mg/Al interface presented interdiffusion characteristics, and a 3 μm thick atomic diffusion layer was formed, whose thickness did not increase significantly with the increase of the roll bonding cycle. With the increase of the roll bonding cycle, the tensile strength and hardness of the composite sheet increased first and then decreased, while the elongation decreased. The necking and fracture of the Mg layer during the electrically-assisted accumulative roll bonding process and the accelerated recrystallization of the Mg and Al layers caused by the current resulted in the reduction of the mechanical properties of the composite sheet after three-pass roll bonding.
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