Corrosion Behavior of 3Cr Steel in CO2-O2 Environment under Simulated Temperature Cycling Conditions in Multi-thermal Fluid Injection Oil Recovery
摘要: 在模拟不同多元热流体采油温度循环条件(100℃×72 h→60℃×72 h→100℃×72 h→60℃×72 h,100℃×72 h→60℃×72 h→100℃×144 h,100℃×72 h→60℃×216 h,分别记为1#,2#,3#方案)、CO2-O2环境中对3Cr钢进行浸泡腐蚀试验,研究了试验钢的腐蚀速率、腐蚀形貌及腐蚀产物物相组成。结果表明:在1#和2#方案下试验钢的腐蚀速率相近,3#方案下的腐蚀速率最小,较前二者分别下降了15.0%和14.74%;在3种方案下,试验钢表面均存在点蚀坑,其腐蚀产物膜分为两层,内层膜较致密,但存在许多微小的裂纹,外层膜疏松,存在许多孔洞;腐蚀产物均主要由Fe2O3、FeCO3、FeOOH和Cr (OH)3组成。Abstract: In CO2-O2 Environment under simulated temperature cycling conditions (100℃×72 h→60℃×72 h→100℃×72 h→60℃×72 h, 100℃×72 h→60℃×72 h→100℃×144 h, 100℃×72 h→60℃×216 h, called as 1#, 2#, 3# schemes, respectively) in multi-thermal fluid injection oil recovery, immersion corrosion tests were conducted on 3Cr steel. The corrosion rate, corrosion morphology and phase composition of corrosion products of the test steel were studied. The results show that under the 1# and 2# schemes, the corrosion rates of the test steel were similar. The corrosion rate under the 3# scheme was the smallest, and was 15.0% and 14.74% lower than those of the former two schemes, respectively. Under the three schemes, pits were observed on the surface of the test steel. The corrosion product scales were divided into two layers. The inner scale was dense, but had many tiny cracks; the outer scale was loose, and had many holes. The corrosion scales were mainly composed of Fe2O3, FeCO3, FeOOH and Cr(OH)3.
- 3Cr steel /
- CO2-O2 corrosion /
- temperature cycling /
- corrosion product scale /
- pitting corrosion
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