Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Advanced Cold Metal Transfer Welded Joint of 5A06 Aluminum Alloy Ultrathin Plates
摘要: 采用交流冷金属过渡焊接方法对0.8 mm厚5A06铝合金超薄板进行了焊接试验,研究了焊接接头的成形质量、显微组织及拉伸性能等。结果表明:在正面保护气体流量为20 L·min-1,背面保护气体流量为5 L·min-1,焊接电流为75~80 A,焊接速度为1 000 mm·min-1条件下,焊缝成形良好,连续美观,无气孔、裂纹、夹杂等缺陷;接头母材区组织为轧制态拉长α-Al相以及晶界处分布的弥散强化相,熔合线、热影响区、焊缝处均为等轴晶;接头拉伸时均在母材处断裂,抗拉强度达到360 MPa左右,断后伸长率约为12%,拉伸性能优良;断口存在大量韧窝,接头发生韧性断裂。Abstract: Aluminum alloy 5A06 ultrathin plates with thickness of 0.8 mm were welded by advanced cold metal transfer welding process, and the forming quality, microstructure and tensile properties of the welded joint were studied. The results show that the weld was well formed, continuous and beautiful, without defects such as porosity, crack and inclusion when the front shielding gas flow rate was 20 L·min-1, the back shielding gas flow rate was 5 L·min-1, the welding current was 75-80 A, and the welding speed was 1 000 mm·min-1. The microstructure of the base metal of the joint was composed of rolled elongated α-Al phase and dispersion strengthening phase distributed at the grain boundary; the microstructure of fusion line, heat affected zone and weld was equiaxed grains. The joints fractured at the base metal after tension. The tensile strength was about 360 MPa, and the elongation percentage after fracture was about 12%, indicating the joint had excellent tensile properties. There were a lot of dimples in the fracture, and ductile fracture occurred in the joint.
- aluminum alloy /
- ultrathin plate /
- cold metal transfer welding /
- microstructure /
- tensile property
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