• CSCD中国科学引文数据库来源期刊
  • 中文核心期刊
  • 中国机械工程学会材料分会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊


吉楠, 李长亮, 宋文文, 赵密锋, 龙岩, 谢俊峰

吉楠, 李长亮, 宋文文, 赵密锋, 龙岩, 谢俊峰. 某注气井3Cr钢油管腐蚀原因[J]. 机械工程材料, 2022, 46(12): 85-90,97. DOI: 10.11973/jxgccl202212014
引用本文: 吉楠, 李长亮, 宋文文, 赵密锋, 龙岩, 谢俊峰. 某注气井3Cr钢油管腐蚀原因[J]. 机械工程材料, 2022, 46(12): 85-90,97. DOI: 10.11973/jxgccl202212014
JI Nan, LI Changliang, SONG Wenwen, ZHAO Mifeng, LONG Yan, XIE Junfeng. Corrosion Cause of 3Cr Steel Tubing in a Gas Injection Well[J]. Materials and Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 46(12): 85-90,97. DOI: 10.11973/jxgccl202212014
Citation: JI Nan, LI Changliang, SONG Wenwen, ZHAO Mifeng, LONG Yan, XIE Junfeng. Corrosion Cause of 3Cr Steel Tubing in a Gas Injection Well[J]. Materials and Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 46(12): 85-90,97. DOI: 10.11973/jxgccl202212014







  • 中图分类号: TG172.8

Corrosion Cause of 3Cr Steel Tubing in a Gas Injection Well

  • 摘要: 西部油田某注气井中3Cr钢油管出现腐蚀现象。通过宏观形貌分析、力学性能检测,扫描电镜、X射线能谱仪和X射线衍射分析等方法查找了油管腐蚀原因。结果表明:在注氮气驱件下,油管的内外壁主要发生溶解氧腐蚀,外螺纹端面发生溶解氧腐蚀与缝隙腐蚀;油管腐蚀主要是由于注入氮气中含有氧气而在油管内外壁和端面形成氧腐蚀环境,造成油管材料性能与实际服役的腐蚀环境不匹配。
    Abstract: Corrosion was observed on the 3Cr steel tubing of a gas injected well in western oilfield. The corrosion causes of the tubing were analyzed by macroscopic inspection, mechanical property measurement, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results show that under the nitrogen injection drive condition, dissolved oxygen corrosion mainly occurred in the inner and outer walls of tubing, and dissolved oxygen corrosion and crevice corrosion mainly occurred in the pin end face of the tubing. The corrosion of tubing was caused by the mismatch between the tubing material properties and the corrosion environment in actual service, which was ascribed to the formation of oxygen corrosion environment in the inner and outer walls and end face of tubing due to the oxygen contained in the injected nitrogen.
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-08-19
  • 修回日期:  2022-09-22
  • 刊出日期:  2022-12-19


