• CSCD中国科学引文数据库来源期刊
  • 中文核心期刊
  • 中国机械工程学会材料分会会刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊


缪天宇, 胡雨婷, 赵斌

缪天宇, 胡雨婷, 赵斌. MnFePBA/rGO/CC复合电极的制备及电化学电容性能[J]. 机械工程材料, 2024, 48(4): 36-43. DOI: 10.11973/jxgccl202404006
引用本文: 缪天宇, 胡雨婷, 赵斌. MnFePBA/rGO/CC复合电极的制备及电化学电容性能[J]. 机械工程材料, 2024, 48(4): 36-43. DOI: 10.11973/jxgccl202404006
MIAO Tianyu, HU Yuting, ZHAO Bin. Preparation and Electrochemical Capacitance Performance of MnFePBA/rGO/CC Composite Electrode[J]. Materials and Mechanical Engineering, 2024, 48(4): 36-43. DOI: 10.11973/jxgccl202404006
Citation: MIAO Tianyu, HU Yuting, ZHAO Bin. Preparation and Electrochemical Capacitance Performance of MnFePBA/rGO/CC Composite Electrode[J]. Materials and Mechanical Engineering, 2024, 48(4): 36-43. DOI: 10.11973/jxgccl202404006



上海市自然科学基金资助项目 21ZR1445700





  • 中图分类号: TM53

Preparation and Electrochemical Capacitance Performance of MnFePBA/rGO/CC Composite Electrode

  • 摘要:

    采用共沉淀法在氧化石墨烯(GO)表面原位生长锰铁普鲁士蓝类似物(MnFePBA)纳米颗粒,获得不同MnFePBA和GO质量比(1∶0.1,1∶0.3,1∶0.5)的复合粉体;采用超声喷涂法将MnFePBA/GO复合粉体涂敷在预热的碳布(CC)基底上,并借助化学还原将GO转化成还原氧化石墨烯(rGO),制备出MnFePBA/rGO/CC复合电极,研究了复合电极的微观结构和电化学电容性能。结果表明:当MnFePBA与GO的质量比为1∶0.1时,MnFePBA颗粒发生团聚;当二者的质量比为1∶0.5时,GO纳米片出现明显堆叠;当二者的质量比为1∶0.3时,GO与MnFePBA均匀复合,所制备的MnFePBA/GO/CC复合电极具有最高的比电容、最小的内阻及最快的离子扩散速率,电化学性能最优。当MnFePBA和GO质量比为1∶0.3时,化学还原法制备的MnFePBA/rGO/CC复合电极在1 A·g-1电流密度下的比电容由化学还原前的888 F·g-1增加到1 032 F·g-1;当电流密度从1 A·g-1增大到10 A·g-1时,比电容保持率由化学还原前的44.93%提升至54.55%,且在7 A·g-1电流密度下经过3 000圈循环后的比电容保持率仍为94.78%。


    MnFe-Prussian blue analog (MnFePBA) nanocubes were in-situ grown on graphene oxide (GO) surface by co-precipitation. The composite powders with different MnFePBA to GO mass ratios (1:0.1, 1:0.3, 1:0.5) were prepared, and then ultrasonically sprayed onto preheated carbon cloth (CC) substrate. The MnFePBA/rGO/CC composite electrode was prepared by converting GO to reduced graphene oxide (rGO) by chemical reduction. The microstructure and electrochemical capacitance performance of the composite electrode were investigated. The results show that when the mass ratio of MnFePBA to GO was 1: 0.1, agglomeration of MnFePBA particles occurred. When the mass ratio was 1:0.5, obvious stacking of GO nanoflakes was found. With the MnFePBA to GO mass ratio of 1:0.3, uniform hybridization of GO and MnFePBA was achieved, and the as-prepared MnFePBA/GO/CC composite electrode exhibited the best electrochemical performance with the largest specific capacitance, the smallest internal resistance and the largest ion diffusion rate. When the mass ratio of MnFePBA to GO was 1:0.3, the specific capacitance at 1 A·g-1 of MnFePBA/rGO/CC composite electrode prepared by chemical reduction increased from 888 F·g-1 before chemical reduction to 1 032 F·g-1. As the current density increased from 1 A·g-1 to 10 A·g-1, the specific capacitance retention was enhanced from 44.93% before chemical reduction to 54.55%. After cycling 3 000 cycles at 7 A·g-1, the MnFePBA/rGO/CC composite electrode still maintained 94.78% of specific capacitance retention.

  • 航空发动机涡轮叶片长时间在高温、高压环境下服役,其叶片性能会发生劣化,从而影响飞机的整体安全,因此研究发动机涡轮叶片性能变化对于飞机安全服役和减少维护成本具有重要意义[1-5]。通过对标准试样进行蠕变持久试验获取的最小蠕变速率和持久寿命是材料安全服役评估的重要参数。然而,一些设备由于形状受限等原因难以满足标准试样制备条件,只能制取小尺寸试样(小试样)。小试样可以保留服役构件的服役状态[6-7],主要分为两类:一类是将标准试样等比例或非等比例缩小的标准棒状小试样[8],目前已有比较完全的试验体系;另一类是非标准小试样,能针对特殊构件进行试验[9]。WOODFORD等[10]在某燃气轮机叶片不同区域制取了标准试样和小试样,发现试样尺寸会影响蠕变强度的测试结果。庄法坤等[7]研究发现,不同类型小试样的蠕变曲线差异较大。此外,传统的蠕变持久试验耗时较长,而高温下基于应力松弛测试获取的松弛蠕变性能与持久蠕变性能并无本质区别,因此可以采用短时应力松弛试验实现材料持久蠕变性能的低成本快速检测[11-14]。BOSE等[15]通过应力松弛测试数据预测了高温下1CrMoV钢的蠕变持久寿命,具有较好的预测效果。研究人员构建了可以将金属材料松弛蠕变速率转化为最小蠕变速率的模型,模拟得到的最小蠕变速率与实际最小速率相近,这验证了模型的准确性[16-18]


    试验材料为热处理态定向凝固镍基合金棒材,由沈阳金属所提供,最终热处理工艺为1 220 ℃×2 h+1 120 ℃×2 h+850 ℃×24 h,采用XRF-1800型X射线荧光分析仪测试得到其化学成分(质量分数/%)为13.44Cr,9.67Co,4.85Ti,3.26Al,4.17W,1.63Mo,3.24Ta,余Ni。在试验合金上制取金相试样,经磨抛,用由5 mL浓盐酸(HCl质量分数为36%)+2 g CuSO4+23.5 mL H2O组成的溶液腐蚀5~10 s后,采用SU5000型热场式扫描电镜(SEM)观察显微组织。由图1可见:试验合金由共晶组织、MC型碳化物和γ'相组成,MC型碳化物主要为块状和条状,γ'相呈立方体状(边长约为0.2μm)均匀分布在基体上。经image pro plus软件统计可得,γ'相的面积分数和平均等效直径分别为51%,231μm。

    图  1  试验合金的显微组织
    Figure  1.  Microstructures of test alloy: (a) at low magnification and (b) at high magnification

    根据GB/T 2039-2012并综合考虑实验室仪器、夹具以及涡轮叶片形状等因素,在试验合金上制取棒状蠕变标准试样和工字型小试样,尺寸如图2所示。采用RD-50型微控电子式通用蠕变持久试验机进行持久蠕变试验和应力松弛试验,使用TG115型光栅测微传感器测试蠕变应变。持久蠕变试验温度为900 ℃,温度误差范围在±1 ℃内,标准试样的试验应力分别为250,350,450 MPa,小试样的试验应力分别为250,350,400,450 MPa;应力松弛试验温度分别为800,850,900,980 ℃,由于应变超过弹性极限后对松弛蠕变规律变化影响较小[20],而小试样在试验过程中受到挂片型过渡夹具变形和试样尺寸形状的影响,应变为5%才到达弹性极限,因此将标准试样初始应变设为2%,小试样初始应变设为7%,应变速率均为8×10-5 s-1。采用SU5000型热场式扫描电镜观察持久蠕变和应力松弛试验后小试样和标准试样的显微组织。

    图  2  标准试样和小试样的尺寸
    Figure  2.  Size of standard (a) and small (b) samples








    图  3  不同应力下小试样和标准试样的持久蠕变曲线和持久蠕变速率曲线
    Figure  3.  Creep rupture curves (a) and creep rupture rate curves (b) of small and standard samples under different stresses




    图  4  小试样和标准试样的最小持久蠕变速率-应力曲线和Monkman-Grant关系曲线
    Figure  4.  Minimum creep rupture rate-stress curves (a) and Monkman-Grant relationship curves (b) of small and standard samples


    图  5  标准试样和小试样在不同温度下的松弛蠕变曲线
    Figure  5.  Relaxation creep curves of standard (a) and small (b) samples at different temperatures




    图  6  不同温度下小试样和标准试样的松弛蠕变速率-应力曲线和温度归一化曲线
    Figure  6.  Relaxation creep rate-stress curves (a) and stress-temperature normalization parameter curves (b) of small and standard samples at different temperatures



    图7可知:900 ℃下持久蠕变和应力松弛试验后标准试样和小试样中的γ'相演变趋势一致,均沿垂直于应力方向聚集粗化,属于N型筏化;持久蠕变试验后标准试样和小试样的γ'相面积分数分别为39%,36%,均出现边缘圆化;应力松弛试验后标准试样和小试样的γ'相面积分数分别为47%,45%,纵横比的最小值分别为0.105,0.079。

    图  7  900 ℃下持久蠕变和应力松弛试验后标准试样和小试样的显微组织
    Figure  7.  Microstructures of standard (a-b) and small (c-d) samples after creep rupture (a,c) and stress relaxation tests (b,d) at 900 ℃




    图  8  标准试样和小试样的PSRT-PCRT曲线和预测持久寿命-实际持久寿命曲线
    Figure  8.  PSRT-PCRT curve (a) and predicted creep rupture life-actual creep rupture life curve (b) of small and standard samples










  • 图  1   不同MnFePBA/GO复合粉体的XRD谱、Raman光谱和FT-IR光谱

    Figure  1.   XRD patterns (a) , Raman spectra (b) , FT-IR spectra (c) of different MnFePBA/GO composite powders

    图  2   不同MnFePBA/GO复合粉体的SEM形貌

    Figure  2.   SEM micrographs of different MnFePBA/GO composite powders: (a) MnFePBA/GO-0.01 powder; (b) MnFePBA/GO-0.3 powderand (c) MnFePBA/GO-0.5 powder

    图  3   MnFePBA/rGO/CC-0.3复合电极的SEM形貌和元素面扫描结果

    Figure  3.   SEM micrographs (a-b) and elemental surface mapping results (c) of MnFePBA/rGO/CC-0.3 composite electrode: (a) at low magnification and (b) at high magnification

    图  4   不同MnFePBA/GO/CC复合电极的电化学性能

    Figure  4.   Electrochemical performance of different MnFePBA/GO/CC composite electrodes: (a) CV curves at 5 mV·s-1; (b) GCD curves at 1 A·g-1; (c) specific capacitance at different current densities and (d) EIS curves

    图  5   MnFePBA/GO/CC-0.3和MnFePBA/rGO/CC-0.3复合电极的XRD谱和Raman光谱

    Figure  5.   XRD patterns (a) and Raman spectra (b) of MnFePBA/GO/CC-0.3 and MnFePBA/rGO/CC-0.3 composite electrodes

    图  6   MnFePBA/GO/CC-0.3和MnFePBA/rGO/CC-0.3复合电极的电化学性能对比

    Figure  6.   Comparison of electrochemical performance of MnFePBA/GO/CC-0.3 and MnFePBA/rGO/CC-0.3 composite electrodes: (a) CV curves at 5 mV·s-1; (b) GCD curves at 1 A·g-1; (c) specific capacitance at different current densities and (d) EIS curves

    图  7   MnFePBA/rGO/CC-0.3复合电极在7 A·g-1下的循环稳定性

    Figure  7.   Cycling stability at 7 A·g-1 of MnFePBA/rGO/CC-0.3composite electrode

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  • 收稿日期:  2023-03-29
  • 修回日期:  2024-02-05
  • 刊出日期:  2024-04-19


