Effects of Mass Ratio of WC to Mo on Microstructure and Properties of TiC-based Cermets
制备了WC和钼总质量分数为8%,WC与钼质量比分别为1∶4,2∶3,3∶2,4∶1的TiC基金属陶瓷,研究了WC与钼质量比对试样显微组织和性能的影响。结果表明:不同WC与钼质量比试样中的硬质相均为芯-环结构,芯相主要为TiC,环相为(Ti,M)C(M为Mo,W,V);当WC与钼质量比大于1时,黏结相中原位析出(Ti,M)C纳米颗粒;随着WC与钼质量比增加,试样的抗弯强度、断裂韧度和硬度均先增大后减小,密度增加,当WC与钼质量比为3∶2时,TiC基金属陶瓷的综合性能最佳,密度较高,硬度、抗弯强度、断裂韧度最大,分别为1 546 HV,1 200 MPa,6.61 MPa·m1/2;当WC与钼质量比小于1时,弯曲时试样中的硬质相发生穿晶断裂形成解理断面,黏结相发生撕裂变形形成粗糙断面;当WC与钼质量比大于1时,纳米颗粒从黏结相中拔出形成韧窝,WC与钼质量比越大,断口上的韧窝比例越少。
Abstract:TiC-based cermets were prepared with WC and Mo total mass fraction of 8% and mass ratios of WC to Mo of 1:4, 2:3, 3:2, 4:1, and the effects of mass ratio of WC to Mo on the microstructure and properties of the samples were studied. The results show that the hard phases in the samples with different mass ratio of WC to Mo all had a core-ring structure. The core phase was mainly TiC, and the ring phase were mainly (Ti, M)C(M=Mo,W,V). When the mass ratio of WC to Mo was greater than 1, (Ti,M)C nanoparticles were in-situ precipitated in the binder phase. With the increase of the mass ratio of WC to Mo, the bending strength, fracture toughness and hardness of the samples increased first and then decreased, and the density increased. When the mass ratio of WC to Mo was 3:2, the comprehensive performance of TiC-based ceramics was the best, and the density was high, and the hardness, bending strength and fracture toughness were the largest, which were 1 546 HV, 1 200 MPa, 6.61 MPa·m1/2, respectively. When the mass ratio of WC to Mo was less than 1, the hard phase of the sample transgranularly fractured to form a cleavage section, and the binder phase was torn and deformed to form a rough section during bending. When the mass ratio of WC to Mo was greater than 1, the nanoparticle was pulled out from the binder phase to form a dimple. The larger the mass ratio of WC to Mo, the smaller the proportion of dimples on the fracture.
- TiC-based cermet /
- in-situ precipitation /
- WC /
- Mo /
- property /
- microstructure
0. 引言
1. 试样制备与试验方法
试验材料为热处理态定向凝固镍基合金棒材,由沈阳金属所提供,最终热处理工艺为1 220 ℃×2 h+1 120 ℃×2 h+850 ℃×24 h,采用XRF-1800型X射线荧光分析仪测试得到其化学成分(质量分数/%)为13.44Cr,9.67Co,4.85Ti,3.26Al,4.17W,1.63Mo,3.24Ta,余Ni。在试验合金上制取金相试样,经磨抛,用由5 mL浓盐酸(HCl质量分数为36%)+2 g CuSO4+23.5 mL H2O组成的溶液腐蚀5~10 s后,采用SU5000型热场式扫描电镜(SEM)观察显微组织。由图1可见:试验合金由共晶组织、MC型碳化物和γ'相组成,MC型碳化物主要为块状和条状,γ'相呈立方体状(边长约为0.2μm)均匀分布在基体上。经image pro plus软件统计可得,γ'相的面积分数和平均等效直径分别为51%,231μm。
根据GB/T 2039-2012并综合考虑实验室仪器、夹具以及涡轮叶片形状等因素,在试验合金上制取棒状蠕变标准试样和工字型小试样,尺寸如图2所示。采用RD-50型微控电子式通用蠕变持久试验机进行持久蠕变试验和应力松弛试验,使用TG115型光栅测微传感器测试蠕变应变。持久蠕变试验温度为900 ℃,温度误差范围在±1 ℃内,标准试样的试验应力分别为250,350,450 MPa,小试样的试验应力分别为250,350,400,450 MPa;应力松弛试验温度分别为800,850,900,980 ℃,由于应变超过弹性极限后对松弛蠕变规律变化影响较小[20],而小试样在试验过程中受到挂片型过渡夹具变形和试样尺寸形状的影响,应变为5%才到达弹性极限,因此将标准试样初始应变设为2%,小试样初始应变设为7%,应变速率均为8×10-5 s-1。采用SU5000型热场式扫描电镜观察持久蠕变和应力松弛试验后小试样和标准试样的显微组织。
(1) 式中:εe为弹性应变;εp为塑性应变,在松弛蠕变过程中不变;εSRT为松弛蠕变应变;σ为应力;E为弹性模量;C1为常数。
(2) 式中:
2. 试验结果与讨论
2.1 持久蠕变行为
(3) 式中:tr为持久寿命;
2.2 松弛蠕变行为
(4) 式中:PLM为温度归一化参数;T为温度。
(5) 由图7可知:900 ℃下持久蠕变和应力松弛试验后标准试样和小试样中的γ'相演变趋势一致,均沿垂直于应力方向聚集粗化,属于N型筏化;持久蠕变试验后标准试样和小试样的γ'相面积分数分别为39%,36%,均出现边缘圆化;应力松弛试验后标准试样和小试样的γ'相面积分数分别为47%,45%,纵横比的最小值分别为0.105,0.079。
2.3 松弛与持久蠕变的关系
(6) 式中:B为拟合参数。
(7) 由于标准试样和小试样的松弛蠕变速率相近,可以相互代替,联立式(3)和式(7)可得标准试样持久寿命与小试样松弛蠕变速率的关系式为
(8) 由式(5)可得某一温度和应力下小试样的松弛蠕变速率,代入式(8)可进一步预测标准试样的持久寿命。将预测持久寿命作为横坐标,标准试样的实际持久寿命为纵坐标作图,如图8(b)所示,可见预测持久寿命和标准试样实际持久寿命接近,说明可以通过此方法解决传统持久蠕变试验方法由于试样数量、尺寸和试验时间在评估持久寿命时受限的问题。
3. 结论
表 1 不同WC与钼质量比下TiC基金属陶瓷的EDS分析结果
Table 1 EDS analysis results of TiC-based cermets with different mass ratios of WC to Mo
相 WC与钼质量比 质量分数/% Ti V Mo W Co Ni 黑芯相 1∶4 72.13 0.25 0.54 0.10 - - 2∶3 72.14 0.34 0.45 0.34 - - 3∶2 72.37 0.38 0.38 0.48 - - 4∶1 72.27 0.35 0.18 0.67 - - 灰环相 1∶4 67.61 3.56 4.88 2.17 0.12 0.37 2∶3 67.83 3.87 4.14 3.19 0.15 1.34 3∶2 64.12 3.75 3.81 4.22 0.03 0.86 4∶1 62.50 3.56 2.53 5.14 - 0.88 纳米颗粒 3∶2 45.07 0.59 5.39 14.56 1.93 12.36 4∶1 40.25 0.78 3.59 12.72 1.23 10.28 -
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