

    Finite Element Simulation of Three-Point Bending Properties of Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Sandwich Structures with Different Parameters

    • 摘要: 建立了Primitive型三周期极小曲面(P-TPMS)夹层结构三点弯曲的有限元模型,通过三点弯曲试验进行了验证;采用该有限元模型研究了胞元长度(8,12,24 mm)、P-TPMS结构相对密度(0.15,0.20,0.25)、面板厚度(1.5,2.0,2.5 mm)等结构参数对夹层结构极限载荷和弯曲刚度的影响。结果表明:模拟得到的夹层结构的力-位移曲线整体变化趋势与试验结果基本吻合,极限载荷的相对误差为5.7%,验证了有限元模型的准确性。随着胞元长度的增加,夹层结构的极限载荷呈先升后降的趋势,当胞元长度为12 mm时极限载荷最大,较胞元长度为24 mm提高9.2%,弯曲刚度减小,胞元长度为8 mm的弯曲刚度较胞元长度为24 mm提高23.9%;随着P-TPMS结构相对密度或面板厚度的增加,夹层结构的极限载荷和弯曲刚度均增大,P-TPMS结构相对密度为0.25的极限载荷和弯曲刚度较相对密度为0.15分别提高91.4%和78.1%,面板厚度为2.5 mm的极限载荷和弯曲刚度较面板厚度为1.5 mm分别提高34.0%和38.7%。


      Abstract: A three-point bending finite element model of Primitive triply periodic minimal surface (P-TPMS) sandwich structure was established and verified by three-point bending experiments. The effects of cell size (8, 12, 24 mm), relative density of P-TPMS structure (0.15, 0.20, 0.25), and panel thickness (1.5, 2.0, 2.5 mm) on the ultimate load and bending stiffness of the sandwich structure were investigated by the established finite element model. The results show that the overall change trend of simulated force-displacement curves was basically consistent with experimental results, and the relative error of ultimate load was 5.7%, which verified the accuracy of the finite element model. The ultimate load of the sandwich structure first increased and then decreased with the increase of the cell size, reaching the maximum value under the cell size of 12 mm, which was 9.2% higher than that under cell size of 24 mm. With increasing cell size, the bending stiffness decreased. The bending stiffness under cell size of 8 mm was 23.9% higher than that under cell size of 24 mm. The ultimate load and bending stiffness of the sandwich structure increased with the increase of the relative density of P-TPMS structure or panel thickness. The ultimate load and bending stiffness under P-TPMS structure relative density of 0.25 were 91.4% and 78.1% higher than those under P-TPMS structure relative density of 0.15, respectively, and those under panel thickness of 2.5 mm were 34% and 38.7% higher than those under panel thickness of 1.5 mm, respectively.


