
    9Cr-2W-3Co马氏体耐热钢在625 ℃的持久强度与组织特征

    Edurance Strength and Microstructure Characteristic of 9.5Cr-2W-3Co Martensitic Heat Resistant Steel at 625℃

    • 摘要: 以9Cr-2W-3Co马氏体耐热钢为研究对象,采用高温蠕变持久试验机在625 ℃和不同应力(100,110,120,130,140,150 MPa)条件下对其进行持久强度试验,研究了试验钢持久断裂后组织、析出相特征及持久强度极限。结果表明:与原始组织相比,试验钢在100 MPa持久应力作用下持久断裂后,基体中的马氏体板条基本消失,位错密度降低,析出相粗化,沿原奥氏体晶界分布的Cr23C6周围析出粗大的Laves相Fe2(W,Mo),导致钢的固溶强化、析出强化与位错强化效果减弱。通过拟合不同加载应力与持久断裂时间的关系,外推得到试验钢在625 ℃下的持久强度极限为93 MPa。


      Abstract: With 9Cr-2W-3Co martensitic heat resistant steel as the research object, the high temperature creep endurance testing machine was used for stress rupture test at 625 ℃ and under different stresses (100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150 MPa). The microstructure, precipitated phase characteristics and the stress-rupture limit of the test steel after creep fracture were studied. The results show that compared with the original structure, after creep fracture at 100 MPa, the martensitic slats in the matrix of test steel basically disappeared, the dislocation density decreased, the precipitated phase coarsed, and coarse Laves phase Fe2(W, Mo) precipitated around Cr23C6 distributed along the original austenite grain boundary. The effect of solution strengthening, precipitation strengthening and dislocation strengthening of test steel was weakened. By fitting the relationship between the different loading stresses and the long breaking time, it was deduced that the stress-rupture limit of test steel at 625 ℃ was 93 MPa.


