Elevated Temperature Deformation Behavior of Nb Microalloyed 9310 Steel
摘要: 采用Gleeble-3800型热模拟试验机在温度1 173~1 473 K、应变速率0.01~10 s-1的条件下, 对镍微合金化9310钢的高温热变形前行为进行了研究, 得到了试验钢的高温流变曲线, 并用光学显微镜观察了试验钢变形前后的显微组织。结果表明: 镍微合金化9310钢的流变应力和峰值应变随着变形温度的升高和应变速率的降低而减小; 试验钢在真应变为0.9, 应变速率为0.01~10 s-1的条件下, 随着应变速率的提高, 其发生完全动态再结晶的温度也逐渐升高; 测得试验钢的热变形激活能Q值为362.649 kJ·mol-1, 并建立了其热变形方程以及动态再结晶条件下峰值应变σp与Zener-Hollomon因子的关系式。Abstract: The hot compression deformation behavior of Nb microalloyed 9310 steel was investigated using Gleeble-3800 simulator in the temperature range of 1 173-1 473 K with the strain rate of 0.01-10 s-1 to get the flow curves of test steel. And the microstructure of hot deformed test steel was observed using optical microscopy. The results show that the flow stress and peak strain of Nb microalloyed 9310 steel increased with the increase of strain rate and the decrease of deformation temperature. When the true strain was 0.9 and the range of strain rate was at 0.01-10 s-1, the temperature for full dynamic recrystallization increased with raising the strain rate. The hot deformation activation energy Q of Nb microalloyed 9310 steel was 362.649 kJ·mol-1. The hot deformation equation and the relationship between the peak strain σp and Zener-Hollomon parameter were obtained.
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