Stress Corrosion Cracking of SPV490Q Steel Weld Joints in H2S Solution with Different Concentrations
摘要: 对SPV490Q钢焊接接头的楔形张开加载(WOL)预裂纹试样在不同浓度硫化氢溶液中进行了应力腐蚀试验,测定了焊缝的应力腐蚀临界应力强度因子KISCC和应力腐蚀裂纹扩展速率da/dt.结果表明:随着H2S浓度的升高,SPV490Q钢焊缝的应力腐蚀临界应力强度因子KISCC下降,应力腐蚀裂纹扩展速率da/dt增大,焊接接头的应力腐蚀抗力降低.
- SPV490Q钢焊接接头 /
- 临界应力强度因子 /
- 裂纹扩展速率
Abstract: The stress corrosion properties of SPV490Q weld joint in H2S solution with different concentrations were studied using WOL specimens.The crack propagation rate da/dt and critical stress corrosion factor KISCC of SPV490Q weld were gotten by experiments.The results show that with increasing concentration of H2S in solution the critical stress corrosion factor KISCC decreased,the stress corrosion crack propagation rate da/dt increased,and the resistance to stress corrosion cracking of SPV490Q steel weld joint in H2S solutions decreased. -
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