Effect of Scale Inhibitor and CO2 on Corrosion Behavior of J55 Steel in Oil Field Simulated Produced Water
ZHANG Liyuan,
SONG Yang,
HU Tianbao,
YUAN Mengyao,
WANG Yingchao,
LIU Liming,
WANG Xuqiao,
LI Bin,
Graphical Abstract
The uniform corrosion and pitting corrosion behavior of J55 steel was studied in oil field simulated produced water without scale inhibitor and CO2, with CO2, with scale inhibitor and with both scale inhibitor and CO2 through immersion corrosion and electrochemical corrosion tests. The results show that under the condition without scale inhibitor and CO2, the uniform corrosion rate of J55 steel was relatively low, and the maximum pitting corrosion rate was the highest. Compared to those without scale inhibitor and CO2, the uniform corrosion rate of the steel increased and the maximum pitting corrosion rate decreased under the condition with CO2, and both decreased under the condition with scale inhibitor. Under the condition with both CO2 and scale inhibitor, the uniform corrosion rate of the steel was the highest, and the maximum pitting corrosion rate was lower than that without scale inhibitor and CO2. When CO2 was present in the system, CaCO3 or CaMg(CO3)2 scaling products were mainly formed on the surface of the steel. Under the condition with both CO2 and scale inhibitor, scale inhibitor would inhibit the scaling process, change the structure of corrosion products and scale deposits, and lost the protective effect on the matrix.